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From an old cigar box to a projection of light.

“When I was barely 10 years old, my father put in my hands the first camera we had at home. As a child, I marveled at the behavior of light and how it formed mysterious and fascinating images and appeared in the film with the development. It was a small cigar box with minerals that my father had collected that opened a fascinating new world for me. That game of projecting light through those crystals is still my game today, 60 years later.

Eloïsa, my wife, friend, and colleague who was also a photographer and mineral enthusiast, had always been my ally in my professional life. After her loss last year, Eloïsa is still encouraging and inspiring me in my work and new projects today”

Joaquim has been a professional photographer for over 50 years working in different fields, but in 2009 exclusive focus on mineral photography turned him around back to his childhood. He published his first mineral magazine in 1978 and has since then been the editor, writer, and photographer of numerous magazines, books, and prints. The perfectionism of his work has opened the doors to the best mineral collections in the world.

Barcelona, CATALONIA